Selling your home for cash is an unknown process for many individuals. At first glance, the whole thing can seem too good to be true. Cash? For your home? Sounds like a scam. However, cash sales can be incredibly beneficial for many reasons.
How It Works
Selling your home for cash follows roughly the same process as a traditional sale, but many of the steps are simplified. For example, instead of hiring a real estate agent and listing your home, you need to reach out to a cash buying company to request an offer. There are local cash buying companies that specialize in real estate within your area. If you live in the Memphis area, Volunteer Buyers is one of the top cash buying companies you can work with. After requesting an offer, a representative from the company will reach out to you to schedule an appointment. They’ll use this time to walk through your home and gather any information they may need before an offer can be made. Then, you will receive a cash offer from Volunteer Buyers, and you can close on the sale in roughly seven days.
Who Are Cash Buyers?
Cash buyers are companies who were created to help homeowners out of difficult situations. These companies purchase homes as investment opportunities, so you’re able to get a better deal on the sale. For example, if your home needs extensive repairs, it may be difficult to sell traditionally. However, companies like Volunteer Buyers are willing to put in the work themselves after the sale, so you don’t need to worry about repairing anything before requesting an offer. Volunteer Buyers is a family-owned business, and their values reflect that. They believe in helping individuals sell their homes, especially when traditional means don’t work for them.
What Do They Get Out of It?
Cash buyers don’t require your home to be in good condition before buying it. They also don’t take any commissions or fees from the sale. Because they’re not taking any money from you, it can seem a bit suspicious that they’re just willing to give you cash for your home. However, they make money by renting out or reselling the properties they purchase. Every home a cash buying company purchases becomes an investment property, and allows them to bring in a steady and substantial income. They have no need to scam you to make money. In fact, their best shot at getting a higher income is to develop a positive reputation with their customers.
Selling your home for cash is an incredibly beneficial option for many homeowners. It may seem too good to be true, but cash buyers are legitimate businesses that strive to ensure their customers have a positive experience. Try selling your home to a cash buyer for a quick and easy selling experience.
To learn more about how Volunteer Buyers run their company, click here!