How Fast Can I Sell My Home for Cash?

One of the biggest priorities of homeowners trying to sell their home is speed. Usually, whether for financial or geographic reasons, it’s important to sell your home as quickly as possible. To ensure a fast sale, selling to a home buying company could be the perfect solution.

Request an Offer Now

If you are ready to get started selling your home for cash, you can start now. No need to wait for real estate agents, upload pictures, or even clean your home. You can begin the process in moments, from anywhere with an internet connection. To begin, simply do some research to find a home buying company in your area. These companies are easy to find, and there are plenty to choose from. Once you’ve found one to work with, you can request an offer by filling out the form on their website with some basic information. This gets in touch with the company and lets them know you’d like to sell your home.

Get a Cash Offer in 24 Hours

As soon as you’ve requested your offer, the home buying company will begin working toward presenting you with an offer on your home. Often, this process goes so quickly that they can give you a cash offer on your home in as little as 24 hours. This is by far the fastest you’ll ever receive an offer on your home. In just 24 hours, you can go from reaching out to a buyer to getting your offer. Every offer that comes from a home buying company is guaranteed to be a fair and honest estimate of your home’s value, and you can end up saving thousands of dollars because the company buys your home as-is. If you choose to accept the offer, you can begin the closing process.

Close in Days

One big draw for selling your home to a home buying company is that you can choose your closing date right from the beginning. If you contact the company to request an offer and tell them that you need it sold in a week, they can do that. If you’re not moving for three months, they can hold off until then as well. You are put fully in charge of the closing timeline. The closing process is also much simpler than it usually is when you sell your home this way. Instead of dealing with inspections, loan approval, and final negotiations, you can skip straight to the close. The nature of a cash sale makes these tasks obsolete.

Many homeowners find themselves in a rush to sell their home. Selling traditionally involves a lot of waiting and uncertainty, which can prolong the process. To guarantee a quick sale, consider selling your home to a home buying company.

If your Memphis home is a little worse for wear, don’t worry about making expensive repairs. Volunteer Buyers will present you with a cash offer on your home in any condition. Click here to get started!

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